Natural Hair Care

My Natural Hair Care Routine

the pure life


Babes! It’s about time I reveal my favourite hair care tips and routine secrets. It’s no secret by now that I’m not a very girlie-girl. I’m not naturally good at curling my hair, I can’t paint my nails (no matter how many times I try) and I can’t – for the life of me – put on eyeshadow without looking absolutely insane. So I usually stick to the natural makeup look, throw my hair in a braid and put on my comfy hippie clothes. 

But let’s be real –

We all take showers (I think?) and wash our hair (unless you are on the “no shampoo train” already). I took a big, gradual step in the beauty + household cleaning department when I started eating a plant-based diet. When you start caring about your food, a magical thing happens – you start to care for yourself, you care about where your food comes from and who is growing it, you take a good look at your relationships, the ingredients in your cleaning products, the sources of your happiness, and so many other things we just shrugged off in our past. It’s such a beautiful thing because it allows us to be more aware of the world around us. Have I lost you yet? Don’t worry, I’ll get to the good stuff soon.

I made a switch to natural body care products quite quickly. It was a no-brainer for me once I moved out on my own that I wanted to spend my money on natural, organic and cruelty-free products. And with that, my natural hair care routine was born.

A few things I learned really quickly:

  • It is not insanely expensive to buy quality, organic, cruelty-free, plant-based products – I shopped at discount stores and bought in bulk when it was on sale. I compared prices and often purchased the “clean/organic” sister brand of class brands my parents have been buying for years. Many big companies now have “eco-friendly” lines – start there if that’s what you can afford. 
  • You are worth it. No questions asked – you are 100% worth it, always.
  • I started to question the industry. Why isn’t everything natural? The way it’s supposed to be? Why would anyone ever want to put chemicals and toxins on their bodies, in their hair and on their teeth? I honestly just couldn’t fathom the idea of every buying a standard product again. 
  • Natural products make you healthier, physically feel better and mentally feel better. You know that you are putting good, natural ingredients on your body so you tend to feel proud about that. Your skin no longer dries up from all the chemicals, your cleaning products don’t make your hands burn (yes, this happened to me all the time), your soap leaves your hands soft and smooth and you begin to develop a love for natural ingredients. I now even make my own products on occasion, but I’ll save that for another post!

Now let’s talk about hair.

Natural Hair Care

I used to have a real problem – I was obsessed with washing my hair. Every single night I would give it a good shampoo and conditioner, stripping my scalp of the natural oil build-up essential for keeping strong and healthy hair. Sure, at the time I was 16 and my hair was still luscious and strong, but over time it began to thin out and dry up. 

The first thing I did (and recommend doing) is: 

  • Cut down your washes to 3 times a week, and eventually to 1-2 times a week. 

I now shampoo and conditioner my hair 1-2 times per week, depending on my schedule. Quality over quantity folks! I now go through shampoo bottles just twice a year. No joke.

The next thing I recommend doing is:

  • Using all-natural, plant-based hair products. Look for well-known companies like Jäson, or local brands in your city. Here in Vancouver we have a ton of options and couldn’t be luckier! 

I also suggest:

  • Avoid heat to avoid damage. I curl my hair 2-3 times a week, max for work or events, but try to stay away from high-heat irons and curlers to avoid dry or frizzy hair. I use a natural oil to reduce frizz and hold my curls or I use a sea salt spray and wrap my hair in a braid for a beachy-wave look in the summer.
  • Once a month I love adding raw coconut oil to my ends and after a shower to repair any damage from heat/sun/salt/etc.
  • After a sweaty workout, I love using a natural dry shampoo in my roots every once and a while. This takes the grease out but isn’t necessarily stripping all the oils out of your hair from the day.
  • Put your hair in a top bun or a french braid during those tough days.

Products I am loving lately:

Natural Hair Care

This post is in no way sponsored – these are products I truly love and stand behind! Please, feel free to comment and share your favourite natural hair products. 

  1. Very nice article. Even I agree that heating provides damage to hair. I also use products of Jason and they are really effective. Thank for sharing the other products too. Overall your post is just great. Keep posting.

  2. Kate says:

    Thanks for the great post! Keep up the great work.

  3. Hey I really loved this article. This is the fact that the products which everyone is using now these day are not so good for our natural hairs. The products are too costly and yet not so effective on hairs. I generally prefer natural and handmade products for my hairs because I am really obsessed with natural and homemade products atleast they will not damage your beautiful and natural hairs. Best wishes and Regards.

  4. Biafra says:

    When I started using a good oil to my scalp. It made a world of difference. Now my hair is thicker, fuller and not dry and brittle. It’s called “beautiful oil of faith” from ETSY. Happy hair!!

  5. This article is very helpful for taking care natural hair. People are now start takes care of their hair. I like your information, and now a day’s very few people spread genuine information. I like to share it with my friends. I also write on health and fitness on my blog, i feel grateful if you have a look https://www.dietfitnutrition.com/ancient-indian-hair-care-secrets/

  6. Guru says:

    Thanks Sisley, for sharing your natural hair care routine with us. It helped me a lot for making my hair strong, silk and shiny. I always used MystiqueEarth’s natural hair care products.
